New year, new round of reader’s picks. The weather outside has turned cold, so we want to know where you buy your booze.
We took the votes, and the winner was clear. Colonial Wine & Spirits is the favorite liquor store in a landslide. They captured over 45% of the total votes for favorite liquor store. Next up were 107 Liquor, O’Looney’s, and Sullivants.
For this one we decided to throw in some data analysis and see exactly where people shop for liquor. My thought process going in was that it would be a very neighborhood oriented decision, with people trending toward places that are convenient.
With Colonial at least, this thought was wrong. Folks tend to drive from all over the city to shop at Colonial. In fact people often passed several other liquor stores on the way to Colonial. The breakdown of Little Rock shoppers at Colonial was far more even all round than anticipated. There was nearly an even split between West Little Rock and Midtown/Downtown. Neighborhoods were fairly evenly dispersed as well.
Outside of Little Rock Colonial still held a strong following, but it was 107 Liquor that people tend to go shop. It easily dominated the NLR, Sherwood, Jacksonville market. Outside of the big two, the rest were very evenly spread out and the local liquor store thought held true.
Thanks to everyone who voted, and please drop us a comment on Facebook if you like having additional analysis to these reader’s picks.

For this one we decided to throw in some data analysis and see exactly where people shop for liquor. My thought process going in was that it would be a very neighborhood oriented decision, with people trending toward places that are convenient.
With Colonial at least, this thought was wrong. Folks tend to drive from all over the city to shop at Colonial. In fact people often passed several other liquor stores on the way to Colonial. The breakdown of Little Rock shoppers at Colonial was far more even all round than anticipated. There was nearly an even split between West Little Rock and Midtown/Downtown. Neighborhoods were fairly evenly dispersed as well.

Thanks to everyone who voted, and please drop us a comment on Facebook if you like having additional analysis to these reader’s picks.